Saturday, January 15, 2011

In a Mood

Yesterday, we recieved a call from our youngest's SLP (speech language pathologist) from school. She gave us some mixed news. There has definately been progress since the beginning of the year. But there has also been setbacks and issues in the classroom.

I tried. I really did. I tried to focus on the positive. Not the negative. Well-meaning people tell me that there are children and families that face far worse. So I told myself that all evening...Until I went to bed and cried myself to sleep.

You see, even though there are children that face worse, it doesn't negate (sp?) the fact that I want what's best for my child.

I have DREAMS for my children. And HOPE. Even if it's the simple act of making a FRIEND in the classroom.

So I figured that I'm allowed to feel this way. Even if it's just for the evening.

Because it never lasts forever. And then the hope returns.

A picture she made for her older sister after we dropped her off at brownie camp

1 comment:

  1. Call me if you want to talk...remember tomorrow is always another day.
