Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Flannel Board Reminder Chart

We were given 'visual reminders' for our morning/afternoon routine. The last time we tried this, my youngest ripped it down and wanted nothing to do with it. I thought that we should at least try it again seeing as our social worker went to all the work to do them.

I wanted it to be fun and look pretty.

I remembered the Sunday School flannel boards that were used to visually tell stories and I thought it would be perfect for being able to 'move' our routine around if we needed to. I wrapped a piece of foam board with flannel fabric and put tape on the back of the pics.

And, not to be outdone, her sister has one as well:

As they go through their routine, they 'move' the pics from above the line to below the line. Our mornings should go much smoother... guarantees!

(But it's still up - that says something)

While I was in their bedrooms taking pictures, I also snapped a picture of these cute wreaths that was given to each of the girls for Christmas:

My talented friend actually made 10 of them!