Wednesday, March 16, 2011

40 Days (A Lenten Project)

I read about the 40 Bags in 40 Days project. The basic idea is to 'rid' your house of 40 bags of 'stuff' during the 40 days of lent. If you want to know more, you can read about it here.

Because I decided about a week into lent to commit myself to the project, I'm a little behind! I needed help:


I enlisted the girls to go through their rooms. They were given a bag and told to fill it with anything they don't want/need anymore. That included broken toys, old clothes that don't fit, papers, books they don't want etc. I explained that we sometimes hold onto 'stuff' when, really, it's not the 'stuff' that's important. It's uncomfortable to let go of what we perceive is important. Which is the point of the whole project.

Did they get it? Who knows?! But they each filled a bag!

When they were done, we sorted it out into garbage, recycling, and good will. I was proud with what they accomplished! It doesn't look like much but their rooms sure look better!

Now I have to fill my bag!

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