Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holly Jolly Christmas

When my sister and her sweet one moved to Vancouver Island, there weren't many postives - for me.

They got to experience mild weather (although a bit cloudy!), island life, amazing scenery, fresh seafood, extended family and oh - did I mention the mild weather? We enjoy visiting them in the summer, but regret the goodbyes that always come.

After a year, though, the good island life is now sprinkling my way! And, yes, in the middle of winter! My sister phoned a while ago and asked if I wanted some fresh holly. HOLLY! And so, when Dad came back from visiting Grandpa and my sister on the island, he came bearing a gift of a HUGE box of holly. From a real holly farm.

So I googled 'decorating with holly'.



Since I needed a centerpiece for my kitchen table, I decided to go that route.

Beautiful. How could you not like the colours red and green at this time of year?

My sister mentioned that the holly will 'shrink', so I saved some in case I needed to add more closer to Christmas.

Or, I'll make some kissing balls. Wink.

1 comment:

  1. How great is that! I think you should do a kissing ball in your *spare* time this week. Enjoy.
